Also, to anyone following this thread:
If you are having problems with the performance of a particular query
you should really take the time to do a little trial-and-error
optimization testing of different forms of the query.
From what we have observed, the database engine can't always make the
correct assumptions about the contents of a database, and there have
been several instances where just rearranging the conditions in a where
clause have made a query run 100 times faster.
Specifically, we have found that moving our most restrictive conditions
up to the front of the WHERE clause often helps.
Also, as I mentioned in this email thread, moving some conditions into
sub-selects in the FROM clause can also have a big effect.
Have fun.
-----Original Message-----
From: *** [mailto:***] On Behalf Of Joel
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 12:49 PM
To: ***
Subject: RE: Database config for large table
I will try upping the buffered_io_max_pages to 2048 and we will run with
your suggestion of 32 meg for the cache. That really seemed to help and
we can always increase it latter.
Forcing the query to work a certain way based on what we know about the
contents of the table does make sense, I just wanted to make sure that
the apparent performance increase wasn't just in our imagination or that
restructuring queries in that way wasn't something we would regret
Thanks for your help, and thanks for developing Mckoi. We have been
using it for about two years now and it has helped us on _many_
-----Original Message-----
From: *** [mailto:***] On Behalf Of Tobias
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:15 AM
To: ***
Subject: Re: Database config for large table
There isn't really a formula for finding the optimal cache size for an
application because queries result in such a variety of access patterns
that it's difficult to predict what size cache is best. Mckoi does
default to rather small cache sizes to ensure the heap usage is in line
with the typical default JVM max heap size. The other property I
suggest you add or change in your configuration is
'buffered_io_max_pages'. It defaults to 256 which is only 2 MB of
memory. Try setting this property to 2048 or greater.
Nesting queries to force the query planner to take a certain path to
resolve a query is a very sensible technique.
Based on previous messages in the mckoidb mailing list, we were making
sure to use one connection for the life of the application.
I know it is pretty sad that we hadn't tried it already, but the
increase in the data_cache_size does seem to have helped for many of
queries. Is there any way to know the point of diminishing return for
giving it more memory? Are there any other settings we should also try
Some queries are still performing strangly. All of the test below were
performed using the Mckoi JDBC Query Tool.
SELECT MIN(ed.SampleIndex)
FROM EventDetail ed, EventHeader eh
WHERE EventType=2
AND ed.SampleIndex>200000
AND eh.LocatesPriority
AND ed.SampleIndex=eh.SampleIndex
This query took around 2 second to execute against a particular
SELECT MIN(ed.SampleIndex)
(SELECT * FROM EventDetail
WHERE EventType=2) ed
JOIN EventHeader eh
ON ed.SampleIndex=eh.SampleIndex
WHERE ed.SampleIndex>200000
AND eh.LocatesPriority
In this form the query took ~0.02 seconds when it is run using version
1.0.2 of Mckoi. Against version 1.0.3 this form still takes ~2
Removing the "AND eh.LocatesPriority" under 1.0.3 drops the time down
~0.02 seconds.
We have discovered in situations where a filtering where condition
as the "EventType=2" in the example above) is going to cut down the
number of records significantly, applying it before the join
can significantly up the performance. Does this sound like a sensible
Thanks for your help.
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