2005-07-03 01:17:47 UTC
Mckoi has serializable isolation level which can give
unexpected behavior if you are used to read commited
If a connection is sitting in a connection pool for a
period of time keep in mind that it is actually in a
transaction that started with the last
commit/rollback. This in turn means that it has and
is working on an image of the database as existed at
the end of that last transaction, when it was used by
a previous Hibernate session object.
So, I don't know if a Hibernate session object, upon
creation, does a commit/rollback on it's connection
before proceeding to do whatever it is going to do.
If it doesn't, then the image of the database it is
working on could be rather old--seconds or minutes or
more. If the schema has been changed in the mean
time, by another connection, then upon a commit there
will be a Serializable Transaction Conflict.
At least this is my understanding, so please correct
if anyone disagrees.
Mckoi SQL Database mailing list http://www.mckoi.com/database/
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unexpected behavior if you are used to read commited
If a connection is sitting in a connection pool for a
period of time keep in mind that it is actually in a
transaction that started with the last
commit/rollback. This in turn means that it has and
is working on an image of the database as existed at
the end of that last transaction, when it was used by
a previous Hibernate session object.
So, I don't know if a Hibernate session object, upon
creation, does a commit/rollback on it's connection
before proceeding to do whatever it is going to do.
If it doesn't, then the image of the database it is
working on could be rather old--seconds or minutes or
more. If the schema has been changed in the mean
time, by another connection, then upon a commit there
will be a Serializable Transaction Conflict.
At least this is my understanding, so please correct
if anyone disagrees.
Mckoi SQL Database mailing list http://www.mckoi.com/database/
To unsubscribe, send a message to mckoidb-***@mckoi.com