Dick Repasky
2006-03-17 01:06:28 UTC
Hi All,
I'm using Mckoi1.0.3 in embedded mode, and I'd like the data directory
to be relative to the configuration file. But, when I create the
database, it is the path is relative to the current working directory
rather than relative to the location of the configuration file. Here is
what I do.
root_path = configuration
database_path = ./mckoidb
I do
File configfile = new File("/absolute/path/of/mckoidb.conf");
DefaultDBConfig config = MckoiUtils.loadConfig(configfile);
prints configuration, as is should
But, then,
DBController control = DBController.getDefault();
control.createDatabase(config, "someuser", "somepassword").close();
creates the database in a directory named mckoidb that is relative to
the current working directory rather than in a directory named mckoidb
that is relative to the location of the configuration file.
Is this a bug? I searched the mailing list archives for root_path but
came up with way too many hits on just root or just path and gave up
before finding an entry that really contained root_path. Ditto for
"root_path". Also not useful were root_path configuration.
Mckoi SQL Database mailing list http://www.mckoi.com/database/
To unsubscribe, send a message to mckoidb-***@mckoi.com
I'm using Mckoi1.0.3 in embedded mode, and I'd like the data directory
to be relative to the configuration file. But, when I create the
database, it is the path is relative to the current working directory
rather than relative to the location of the configuration file. Here is
what I do.
root_path = configuration
database_path = ./mckoidb
I do
File configfile = new File("/absolute/path/of/mckoidb.conf");
DefaultDBConfig config = MckoiUtils.loadConfig(configfile);
prints configuration, as is should
But, then,
DBController control = DBController.getDefault();
control.createDatabase(config, "someuser", "somepassword").close();
creates the database in a directory named mckoidb that is relative to
the current working directory rather than in a directory named mckoidb
that is relative to the location of the configuration file.
Is this a bug? I searched the mailing list archives for root_path but
came up with way too many hits on just root or just path and gave up
before finding an entry that really contained root_path. Ditto for
"root_path". Also not useful were root_path configuration.
Mckoi SQL Database mailing list http://www.mckoi.com/database/
To unsubscribe, send a message to mckoidb-***@mckoi.com