"file size tally incorrect" error: when using SQL DDL scripts
Smriti Rajan
2006-04-11 20:10:57 UTC
I'm using a SQL DDL script to create schema and
tables: when I shutdown the database after running the
script, I get errors of this form:

[mckoi.debug.Debug - Exception thrown: 'Error: file
size tally is incorrect for file:
./data/014SYS_INFO_sUsrSequenceInfo.koival = 7832 act
= 9534']

The SQL DDL scripts run with no visible errors (DEBUG
level=20 in conf file), the newly created tables show
up in the mckoi data/ directory - BUT it seems like
the internal tables do not get suitably updated.

To check: I queried SYS_INFO.sUSRSequenceInfo using
the Query Tool, and there are _no_ entries for the
newly created tables. Similar exceptions are thrown
for other SYS_INFO.sUSR* tables.

Can someone point out where the problem might lie?


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